Assembly 1653 held its Memorial Day Service at St. Stephen's Cemetery in Stephenville on July 1st 2022.
Faithful Captain Brendan Sullivan and Faithful Pilot Joseph Harrington of Dalton Assembly Fourth Degree placing a wreath at the Cenotaph, Legion Carbonear on Memorial Day.
State Deputy, Patrick Gambin and State Secretary, Gary Gallagher make a presentation to Ms. Trish Williams of Special Olympics. Special Olympics Newfoundland and Labrador is dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals with an intellectual disability through active participation in sport.
State Treasurer Brother Paul Baldwin presents the Past State Deputy Leo Burke Award for Grand Knight of the Year to Grand Knight Phillip Hurley of Monsignor McCarthy Council # 5902
Annual Christmas Bingo which was held on Wednesday December 15th 2021 at the Corner Brook Long Term Care. We hold a monthly bingo from September to June which has been on going for about 40 years.
Members of Ville Marie Council 10599, Marystown, partnered with Sacred Heart Parish Family Aid Food Bank, for a Thanksgiving Food Drive. 1675 pounds of non-perishable food items, $200 cash and $250 of gifts cards were collected for the food bank.
The council also presented a cheque for $200, which was received from the Supreme Council Food for Families refund program.
Members of Ville Marie Council 10599, Marystown conducted their annual food drive during the Marystown Kinsmen / Town of Marystown Santa Claus parade on December 4.
Members collected 962 lbs of food and $140 from the public, which were presented to the Sacred Heart Parish Family Aid Food Bank. The Council also donated $500.00 to the food bank.
Grand Knight Philip Hurley of Monsignor McCarthy Council # 5902 Knights of Columbus Carbonear places Mother’s Day flowers on the memorial site of the unborn Children at St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cemetery Carbonear .
On Saturday March 26 Monsignor McCarthy Council # 5902 Knights of Columbus Carbonear held a fish fry with all profits going to the Ukraine solidarity relief fund .
Monsignor McCarthy Council Knights Of columbus # 5902 Carbonear donate a gift certificate of $100 and a certificate to the first baby that’s born every month at Carbonear General Hospital . McCarthy Council, Knights of Columbus, is celebrating a Canada Day Baby, Ava Penney, daughter of Angela Lewis and Ryan Penney of Carbonear. State Li
Monsignor McCarthy Council Knights Of columbus # 5902 Carbonear donate a gift certificate of $100 and a certificate to the first baby that’s born every month at Carbonear General Hospital . McCarthy Council, Knights of Columbus, is celebrating a Canada Day Baby, Ava Penney, daughter of Angela Lewis and Ryan Penney of Carbonear. State Life Director, Eugene Hurley, presented the family with a certificate and gift card to the proud parents. We wish the family every success.
Over 500 pieces of cod being deep fried. They also invited the Catholic Women’s League and this years confirmation candidates to help out as well .
With all the help it was a successful day thanks everyone .
On Tuesday December 7th Monsignor McCarthy Council # 5902Knights of Columbus kicked off the Christmas season with the Light up for Christ campaign and Tree of remembrance.
People throughout the town and adjacent communities could place a bulb on the tree to remember a loved one this Christmas season . Children also displayed their Homemade Advent Wreaths and also had them blessed .
The Knights of Columbus along with the Catholic Woman’s League presented children with two light up Nativity Scenes, all the children’s name were put in a bag and two names were picked . St Patrick’s Roman Catholic parish choir were also on hand to sing Christmas carols . A huge thank you to Father Clem Flaherty for driving from Avondale
The Knights of Columbus along with the Catholic Woman’s League presented children with two light up Nativity Scenes, all the children’s name were put in a bag and two names were picked . St Patrick’s Roman Catholic parish choir were also on hand to sing Christmas carols . A huge thank you to Father Clem Flaherty for driving from Avondale in the absence of out parish priest/ chaplain Fr Anthony . The weather did cooperate for all to go outside to the light up our Nativity Scene and sing Christmas Carols. Tea/Coffee Soup and Sandwiches was served at the end
On Tuesday December 21st , Grand Knight,Phil Hurley peesented a cheque for $3256 to Trinity Ellsworth .
Monsignor Mccarthy Council # 5902 Carbonear help spread the Halloween spirit as members and volunteers gathered together to do loot bags for the kids on Halloween.
A total of 150 loot bags was put together. Members will be gathered outside the main door to distribute the bags on Sunday Oct 31st starting at 5pm
On Saturday November 13th Monsignor McCarthy Council #5902 Knights of Columbus Carbonear held a breakfast fundraiser with over 200 breakfasts being served eat in and take out .
The project was for 5 year old Trinity Ellsworth who was diagnosed with a brain tumor and is now at the Janeway having treatments. The Catholic Women's League was also on had . A total of 44 Volunteers came together to make this a success.
Steve Dalton ,Grand Knight of Fr Francis Jackman council in Manuels, made a presentation of $500 to CBS Special Olympics.
Samantha Bishop ( Special Olympian)Steve Dalton
Patsy Rees ( Coach and Volunteer), Neil O'dea ( Special Olympian).
St. Ignatius Council # 13763 St. Alban's at St. Anne's School Conne River .
St. Ignatius Council # 13763 St. Alban's at St. Anne's School Conne River .
St. Ignatius Council # 13763 St. Alban's at St. Anne's School Conne River .
Pat Gambin State Secretary, Donald White District Deputy # 11 and Brendan Vickers State Warden/Program Director
distributed 24 coats to the kids in Sheshatshiu.
Council 6378 Bishop Scheffer Goose Bay and Council 1930 Conception Bell Island participated in the program by purchasing the two boxes of coats.This program was completed in conjunction with 5 gentleman from Sheshatshiu joining our order for Council 6378 Goose Bay under the new degree.
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Last updated August 29, 2024