Applications and Rules of Eligibility can be downloaded and printed from the links below.
It is important to note that the State Scholarship is now open to children and grand children of members
Applicants for all scholarships have to be graduates of the NL High School system.
Isaac Merriganis the son of Br. James Merrigan, Archbishop Neil McNeil Council #8555, Pasadena. Isaac is attending Memorial University.
Colin Spenceris the grandson of Br. Paul Gillingham, Archbishop Howley Council #2581, Corner Brook. Colin is attending University of Western Ontario, London, ON.
Kelly Aylwardis the granddaughter of Br. Thomas Aylward (deceased), Dean Patrick Council #6672, Witless Bay. Kelly is attending Memorial University.
Molly Poweris the daughter of Br. Desmond Power, Avalon Council #2223, North River. Molly is attending Memorial University.
Avari Duffyis the daughter of Br. Jeffrey Duffy, OLPH Council #3742, Stephenville. Avari is attending St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS.
Rachel Devereauxis a graduate of Gonzaga High School, St. John’s and is attending Memorial University.
Joel Pennyis a graduate of Mount Pearl Senior High School, Mount Pearl and is attending Memorial University.
Tessa Cox is a graduate of Bay d’Espoir Academy, St. Alban’s and is attending College of North Atlantic, St. John’s.
Ciara O’Keefeis a graduate of Carbonear Collegiate, Carbonear and is attending Memorial University.
Caleb Tibbs is the son of Br. Stephen Tibbs, Fr. McCormack Council #5769, Gander. Caleb is attending McGill University in Montreal.
Caleb Tibbs is the son of Br. Stephen Tibbs, Fr. McCormack Council #5769, Gander. Caleb is attending McGill University in Montreal.
Grand Knight Rusty Noseworthy of Avalon Council 2223 presenting a cheque to Molly Power the winner of one of our State Scholarships.
Also present was Grandmother of Molly Power.
Treasure Barry Dillon presenting Kelly Aylward with a cheque for $1000.00.
Deputy Grand Knight Paul Ronayne presenting Joel Penny with a cheque for $500.00.
Tessa Ali Cox with District Deputy # 7 Kevin Organ accepting her $500.00 Jubilee scholarship award.
State Scholarship
Members of Newfoundland and Labrador Councils or children/grandchildren of members, or of a deceased member, who are entering a university or recognized educational institution in the first year of study, are eligible. Membership in good standing is a prerequisite, with children/grand children of deceased members being eligible if their father's/grand father's membership was in good standing at the time of his death. Applicants have to be graduates of the NL High School system.
There are four of these scholarships at a value of $1000 each. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and community involvement and are not renewable. The application must be accompanied by an official transcript of all high school marks and an autobiographical statement outlining extra curricular activities and community involvement. Applications must be signed by the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary and the applicant. The final date for filing an application is October 31, of each calendar year. Click the link above for an application.
State Scholarship Rules of Eligibility
1.An eligible candidate for a Newfoundland and Labrador State Council Scholarship shall be either (i) a member in good standing in a Knights of Columbus Council in Newfoundland and Labrador, or (ii) child/grand child of such a member, or (iii) of a deceased member who was in good standing at the time of his death. The Knights of Columbus Council must be in good standing with both the Supreme Council and the Newfoundland & Labrador State Council. Applicants have to be graduates of the NL High School system.
2.All candidates for this scholarship shall be entering the first year of a university program leading to a degree or be entering the first year of a program at a recognized educational institution leading to a certificate in a specific trade or profession. The period of study must be at least one year duration.
3.All candidates for this scholarship shall be the most recent graduates from a Senior High School program with HONOURS. The determination of the scholarships will be based on the subjects in the Honours program outlined by the NL Department of Education
4. An Official Transcript of Senior High School Marks must be included with the application
5.An autobiographical statement including a brief description of the applicants (i) educational objectives, (ii) extracurricular activities and (iii) community involvement must accompany the application.
6.The value of the scholarship is $1000 and is not renewable. Winners of this Scholarship are not eligible to receive other State Council Scholarships
7. The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Winners will be notified by the Chairman. Names of winners will be released to Knights of Columbus Councils, the local media and placed on the web page.
8.The final date for filing this application, with membership verified by the Financial Secretary and all supporting documents is October 31st in each calendar year.
9.Address all communications to: Maurice Lewis, P. O. Box 44, King's Cove, NL.A0C 1S0
The Dorothy M. and William J. Channing State Council Scholarship
Members of Newfoundland and Labrador Councils or sons and daughters or grandsons and granddaughters of members, or of a deceased member, who are entering a university or recognized educational institution in the first year of study, are eligible. Membership in good standing is a prerequisite, with children of deceased members being eligible if their fathers/grandfathers membership was in good standing at the time of his death.
There is one scholarship of $1000. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and community involvement and is not renewable. The application must be accompanied by an official transcript of all high school marks and an autobiographical statement outlining extra curricular activities and community involvement. Applications must be signed by the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary and the applicant. The final date for filing an application is October 31st of each calendar year. Click the link above for an application. Applicants have to be graduates of the NL High School system.
The Dorothy M. and William J. Channing State Council Scholarship
Rules of Eligibility
1.An eligible candidate for a Newfoundland and Labrador State Council Scholarship shall be either (i) a member in good standing in a Knights of Columbus Council in Newfoundland and Labrador, or (ii) the son or daughter/grandson or granddaughter of such a member, or (iii) of a deceased member who was in good standing in a Knights of Columbus Council in Newfoundland at the time of his death. The Knights of Columbus Council must be in good standing with both the Supreme Council and the Newfoundland & Labrador State Council. Applicants have to be graduates of the NL High School system.
2.All candidates for this scholarship shall be entering the first year of a university program leading to a degree or be entering the first year of a program at a recognized educational institution leading to a certificate in a specific trade or profession. The period of study must be at least one year duration.
3.All candidates for this scholarship shall be the most recent graduates from a Senior High School program with HONOURS. The determination of the scholarships will be based on the subjects in the Honours program outlined by the NL Department of Education
4. An Official Transcript of Senior High School Marks must be included with the application
5.An autobiographical statement including a brief description of the applicants (i) educational objectives, (ii) extracurricular activities and (iii) community involvement must accompany the application.
6.The value of the scholarship is $1000 and is not renewable. Winners of this Scholarship are not eligible to receive other State Council Scholarships
7. The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Winners will be notified by the Chairman. Names of winners will be released to Knights of Columbus Councils, the local media and placed on the web page.
8.The final date for filing this application, with membership verified by the Financial Secretary and all supporting documents is October 31st in each calendar year.
K. OF C. JUBILEE SCHOLARSHIP Rules of Eligibility
1. All candidates for this scholarship shall be the most recent graduates from NL Senior High School Program with HONOURS. The determination of the scholarships will be based on the subjects in the Honours program outlined by the Provincial Department of Education. Applicants have to be graduates of the NL High School system.
2. All candidates must be entering the first year of a recognized university in a program leading to a degree or be entering the first year of a program at a recognized educational institution leading to a certificate in a specific trade or profession. The period of study must be al least one year duration.
3. An Official Transcript of Senior High School Marks must be included with the application.
4. A short autobiographical statement including educational objectives, extracurricular activities and community involvement must accompany the application.
5. The value of the scholarship is $500 and is not renewable.
6. The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Winners will be notified by the Chairman. Names of winners will be released to Knights of Columbus Councils and placed on the webpage.
8.The final date for filing this application, with all supporting documents is October 31, in each calendar year.
9.Address all communications to:Maurice Lewis, P. O. Box 44, KIngs's Cove, NL.
Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria (Canada) Scholarships
The Knights of Columbus awards 12 Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria (Canada) Scholarships annually.
An applicant must be:
A Canadian student entering his or her first year of university study leading to a baccalaureate degree at a college or university in Canada.
A member in good standing in a Canadian council of the Knights of Columbus, or the son or daughter of such a member or deceased member. (Not limited to Fourth Degree members.)
Each scholarship of $1,500 is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and is renewable each year of undergraduate study, pending satisfactory academic performance, to a total of four years.
Applications may be obtained after Oct. 1 by writing:
Department of Scholarships
Knights of Columbus
Students may also obtain applications for Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships after Oct. 1 by using this application order form.
Completed applications must be received by the Knights of Columbus Department of Scholarships by March May 1 for CANADA of the following year.
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Last updated August 29, 2024